Did you know that our skin is the largest organ of our body? But not all parts of our skin is created equal. To illustrate what I mean, think about the skin on your scalp. It has hair follicles embedded in it. The skin of our cheeks and nose have active glands. Below are some easy guidelines you can follow to maintain healthier skin around your eyes – no matter how old you are or what the season is!
Eye makeup Eye makeup has become an every day necessity for most of the women. The secret of perfect eye makeup is to emphasize the good points and minimize the slight defects, which can be done more effectively if you determine your eyes shape and select makeup technique that works best for your eye shape. Determining eye shape is just as important as choosing the right colors for your coloring. With proper makeup you can easily adjust and emphasize your eye shape. Depending on the shape of your eyes you should choose different colors and ways of applying eye makeup.